Open Source Justice Foundation, Inc.

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Join the Open Source Justice Movement!

The Open Source Justice Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization dedicated to spreading access to justice by empowering communities and individuals to peacefully and voluntarily resolve their own disputes.

The Foundation’s work includes supporting free and open-source (FOSS) developers, contributors, and projects that expand access to justice through the creation and adoption of FOSS dispute resolution tools and technology.

When you donate to the Foundation, you become an integral participant in the Open Source Justice Movement by enabling grant-giving, bounty programs, and educational efforts.  

The arc of history does not bend towards justice on its own.  Join the Open Source Justice Movement today!

  • As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity, your donations to the Open Source Justice Foundation may be tax deductible. 

  • Please consult your tax professional for specific guidance on how to claim your tax deductions.   

  • If you require a donation receipt, please provide a name, email, and address.

Note: For smaller donations under $500, please choose lightning, card or cash app.

Payment Information
